Viola Thimm

PD Dr. Viola Thimm

MA-Elitestudiengang "Standards of Decision-Making Across Cultures" (SDAC)
Institute for Near Eastern and East Asian Languages and Civilizations

Raum: Raum 02.273
Henkestr.91, Haus 8, Stock 2
91052 Erlangen


  • Seit 11/2022    On Sexual Im/Mobilities: Queer Muslim Pilgrimage
  • 10/2013–02/2022    From Malaysia to Dubai: Muslim Pilgrimage and Gender in the context of Consuming Practices (gefördert durch die DFG, das Olympia-Morata-Programm für Professorinnennachwuchs und die Nachwuchsinitiative der Universität Hamburg)
  • 03/2021–12/2021    Narrating Intersectional Perspectives Across Social Scales in Singapore and Malaysia (eigenfinanziert)
  • 04/2008–08/2013    Bildungsmigration und Geschlecht im regionalen Kontext Malaysias und 11–12/2024



2023        Thimm, Viola; Shopping with Allah. Muslim pilgrimage, gender, and consumption in a globalised world. London: UCL Press.

2022        Thimm, Viola: Narrating Intersectional Perspectives Across Social Scales: Voicing Valerie. Abingdon/New York: Routledge.

2014    Thimm, Viola: Geschlecht und Bildungsmigration: Lebensentwürfe und Weiblichkeitsbilder malaysischer Bildungs¬migrantinnen in Singapur. Bielefeld: transcript.


In preparation    Thimm, Viola and Thajib, Ferdiansyah (eds.): Embracing Faith and Desire. Queer and Feminist Engagements with Islam and Christianity as Lived Religions. (under review with Routledge)

2021        Thimm, Viola (editor): (Re-)Claiming Bodies: Gendered Configurations in Islam. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

2021    Buitelaar, Marjo*; Manja Stephan-Emmrich*; Viola Thimm* (editors; *The order of editor names for the volume as a whole is purely alphabetical, reflecting equal contribution and responsibility): Muslim Women’s Pilgrimage to Mecca and Beyond. Reconfiguring Gender, Religion, and Mobility. Abington/New York: Routledge.

2018        Thimm, Viola (editor): Understanding Muslim Mobilities and Gender. Basel: MDPI.

2018    Chaudhuri, Mayurakshi und Viola Thimm (guest editors): Special Section “Postcolonial Intersections: Asia on the Move” Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies, Vol 8 (3).

2018    Thimm, Viola (guest editor): Special Issue “Understanding Muslim Mobilities and Gender” Social Sciences Vol. 6–7. gender.

2016    Thimm, Viola (associate editor): The International Journal of Diverse Identities, 16.

Originale Journalartikel, peer-reviewed

In press     Reconfiguring Gender, Kinship, Spirituality: Space- and Placemaking in Muslim Malaysia. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute.

Pending minor    Sexual im/mobilities: On queer Muslim pilgrimage. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic revisions Theory.

Under review    “Super-power” in the grave: Meaning-making of Muslim saints’ graves in Southeast Asia and on the Arabian Peninsula.

Under review     Keramat, miracles and magic: Veneration at Muslim saints’ graves in Malaysia in the context of syncretic traditions.

In preparation    ‘How I Connect to God is Very Personal’: Malaysian Muslim Transgender Men, the Meaning-Making of Gender and Faith, and the Formulation of an Intimate Relationship with Allah. Co-authored with Joseph Goh

2023     Bringing Intersectionality to the Core of Social and Cultural Anthropology: Scaling Holistic Intersectionality. Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology.

2021    Thimm, Viola: Gendered Pilgrimage: Hajj and umrah from women’s perspectives. Journal of Contemporary Religion, 36 (2): 223–241.

2021    Thimm, Viola: Muslim Fashion: Challenging Transregional Connectivities between Malaysia and the Arabian Peninsula. TRaNS: Trans -Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia 9(2), 117-128.

2019    Thimm, Viola und Mayurakshi Chaudhuri: Migration as Mobility? An Intersectional Approach. Applied Mobilities, Vol 6(3): 273–288.

2018    Chaudhuri, Mayurakshi und Viola Thimm: Postcolonial Intersections – Asia on the Move: Introduction. Special Section “Postcolonial Intersections: Asia on the Move”. Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies, Vol 8 (3):28–35.

2018    Thimm, Viola: Embodying and consuming Muslim pilgrimage: Gendered shopping and clothing practices by Malaysian women on “umrah and ziarah Dubai.“ Asian Anthropology, Vol 17 (3): 185–203.

2018    Thimm, Viola: Muslim Mobilities and Gender: An Introduction. Social Sciences, 7(1), 5.

2017    Thimm, Viola: Commercialising Islam in Malaysia: Ziarah at the intersection of Muslim pilgrimage and the market-driven tourism industry. UKM Ethnic Studies Paper Series No. 56, December. Bangi: Institute of Ethnic Studies.

2017    Thimm, Viola; Mayurakshi Chaudhuri; and Sarah J. Mahler: Enhancing intersectional analyses with polyvocality: Making and illustrating the model. Social Sciences. 6(2), 37.

2016    Thimm, Viola: “I really love that guy!” Romantische Liebe als Weg zur Moderne im regionalen Kontext Singapurs und Malaysias. Asien–The German Journal on Contemporary Asia 139(2): 25-43.

2016    Thimm, Viola: “I can give you money but there is no use. The best thing I [can] give you is education.” Negotiating educational migration and gender in a Chinese Malaysian family. TRaNS: Trans-Regional and National Studies of Southeast Asia, 4(1): 65-84.

2015    Thimm, Viola: Die arabische abaya in Malaysia: Verhandlungen von muslimischen Kleidungspraktiken, weiblicher Körperlichkeit und Modernität. Paideuma, 61:95-116.

2014    Thimm, Viola: Soziale Mobilität für Frauen durch bildungsmotivierte Land-Stadt-Migration: Eine Biographie aus Malaysia. Ethnoscripts, 16(2):27-41.

2013    Thimm, Viola: Education, Migration, Gender: Policies of Education in Malaysia and Singapore. GSE Journal of Education 2013:1-11.

2012    Thimm, Viola: “My dad wants to see me graduate with a good degree (…)” Bildungsmigration und Geschlecht im regionalen Kontext Malaysias und Singapurs. Journal Netzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung NRW, 31: 62-67.

Buchbeiträge, peer reviewed

Accepted     Thimm, Viola: Pilgrims and Mobility. In: Salazar, Noel (ed.): Anthropological Handbook of Mobility. Berghahn.

2021    Thimm, Viola: Introduction: (Re-)Claiming Bodies through Fashion and Style. Gendered Configurations in Muslim Contexts. In: Thimm, Viola (ed.): (Re-)Claiming Bodies: Gendered Configurations in Islam; S. 1-18. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

2021    Thimm, Viola: Men’s Non-Fashion: Embodying Traditionality in the Gulf. In: Thimm, Viola (ed.): (Re-)Claiming Bodies: Gendered Configurations in Islam; 109-126. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

2021    Buitelaar, Marjo*; Manja Stephan-Emmrich*; Viola Thimm* (*The order of author names in the introduction and that of editor names for the volume as a whole is purely alphabetical, reflecting equal contribution and responsibility): Introduction: Muslim Women’s Pilgrimage to Mecca and Beyond. Reconfiguring Gender, Religion, and Mobility, S. 19-35. Abingdon/New York: Routledge.

2021    Thimm, Viola: Under male supervision? Islamic belief and nationality as basis for Muslim women’s pilgrimage. In: Buitelaar, Marjo; Manja Stephan-Emmrich; Viola Thimm (eds.): Muslim Women’s Pilgrimage to Mecca and Beyond. Reconfiguring Gender, Religion, and Mobility, S. 1-18. Abingdon/New York: Routledge.

2019    Chaudhuri, Mayurakshi; Viola Thimm und Sarah J. Mahler: Scaling Educational Policy and Practices Intersectionally: Historical and Contemporary Education Policies, Practices and Effects in South and Southeast Asia. In: Hankivsky, Olena and Julia Jordan-Zachery (eds.): The Palgrave Handbook of Intersectionality in Public Policy, S. 367-385. Houndsmills: Palgrave MacMillan.

2018    Thimm, Viola: Muslim Mobilities and Gender: An Introduction. In: Viola Thimm (ed.): Understanding Muslim Mobilities and Gender, S. 1-10. Basel: MDPI.

2014    Chaudhuri, Mayurakshi; Viola Thimm and Sarah J. Mahler: Gendered Geographies of Power: Their Value for Analyzing Gender across Transnational Spaces. In: Gruhlich, Julia and Birgit Riegraf (eds.): Transnationale Räume und Geschlecht, S. 94-209. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot.

2014    Thimm, Viola: The Female Body in Transnational Space between Malaysia and Singapore. In: Buccieri, Kristy (ed.): Body Tensions: Beyond Corporeality in Time and Space, S. 55-72. Oxford: ID-Press.

2014    Thimm, Viola: Gender and the Body in Transnational Space: Female Educational Migrants from Malaysia in Singapore. In: McLean, Loyola et al. (eds.): Exploring Bodies in Time and Space, S. 37-45. Oxford: ID-Press.

2014    Thimm, Viola: “Gendered Geographies of Power”. Ein Modell zur Analyse von Bildungsmigration und Geschlecht am Beispiel von Malaysia und Singapur. In: Förschler, Silke et al. (eds.): Verorten – Verhandeln – Verkörpern, S. 61-84. Bielefeld: transcript.

2013    Thimm, Viola: Education, Migration, Gender: Policies of Education in Malaysia and Singapore. In: Mokmin Basri et al. (eds.): Emerging Trends for Sustainability in Global Education: Opportunities and Challenges, Kajang (Malaysia):, S. 1-11